Annual Membership Dues

Annual dues run October to October and are based on the number of full-time employees and owner(s) during the high-season; please note that 2 half-time employees/owners would equal one (1) full-time employee/owner (FTE). New memberships that fall outside of the October annual billing cycle are pro-rated.

Annual Dues: 

Gift Guide Listing Only - $100
Non-Profit (Includes 2nd Listing) - $150
Owner/Operator – No Employees - $175
1-3 Employees - $250
4-6 Employees - $275
7-10 Employees - $300
11-20 Employees - $350
21-30 Employees - $400
31-40 Employees - $450
41+ Employees - $500

$75 for 2nd listing; $65 for 3rd listing or more

Membership Application: Please fill out and submit the following form

Membership Type

Company Name:

Contact Person:


Physical Address (Required for Map)

City, State, Zip:

Mailing Address: (If Different)

City, State, Zip:

Phone Number (public):

Phone Number (internal):

Email (public):

Email (internal):

Web Address:

How did you find out about the SJIVB?

Please email 2 - 5 photos for your website listing. Horizontally-oriented photos should be attached to your email in .jpeg format, at a minimum of 2 MB (megabytes). You can add more through your Partner Portal later and we request a maximum of 12 photos per gallery.

Images should be at least 1200x800 pixels and at least one should be 2800x900. Logos, writing and/or collages should not be used. 

Images that contain whales and boats together will not be approved due to the unknown distance between the two. This is to help manage visitor expectations and demonstrate compliance with the Be Whale Wise guidelines.

Submitted photos must be your own or used with permission/licensing. Photos should also be titled with the name of your business. Send images to

Annual dues run October to October for cash-flow purposes and are based on the number of full-time employees and owner(s) during the high-season; please note that 2 half-time employees/owners would equal one (1) full-time employee/owner (FTE).  

Please select your business's FTE (full-time employees/owners during high season) Annual Dues: *

Please provide a description of your business for our website, 100 words are recommended

Once we receive your application, we will contact you to discuss the category or categories that would be the best fit.  Your annual dues include ONE category, but you can add an additional, appropriate category for an additional fee. 

Internal Contact Number

*If you are a Meeting, Event, Retreat or Wedding Venue, please provide the following information:

# of Sleeping Rooms

# of Meeting Rooms

Sq Ft of Largest Space

Sq Ft of Total Space

Social Media Links:  Enter the complete URL to the field provided for each social channel.  The appropriate badge will be automatically added when your business is viewed.

Facebook URL:


Pinterest URL:

Instagram URL:

Business Hashtag:

Payment can be made by check or credit card.  

Check: Please make payable to SJIVB and mail to PO Box 1330, Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Credit card: Please call Annesa Knowles at (360) 378 - 9551 ext. 1 to process payment over the phone

Please read and sign below:

I agree to uphold the mission of the SJIVB. The mission of the SJIVB is to enhance the economic prosperity of San Juan County by promoting the San Juan Islands as a preferred, year-round travel destination, while respecting and sustaining the Islands’ unique and diverse ecosystems, environments, lifestyles and cultures. 

I also understand that I am encouraged to crosslink to the SJIVB’s website ( from my website.

Signature: (Type Your Full Name) *

  * Please Enter All Required Fields
Contact Us:
San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau
1-888-468-3701 | (360) 378-9551
P.O. Box 1330, Friday Harbor, Washington 98250
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Additional Resources

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Privacy Policy