The view from the dining room can't be beat! Here are a few special trips that feature local, gourmet food, beer and wine experiences along with a range of half-day to 5-day paddling tours.
• Crystal Seas Kayaking offers multi-day and multi-sport kayaking trips in the San Juan Islands. Gourmet meals and wine are prepared with locally sourced organic ingredients whenever possible and all meals are prepared fresh and customized to our guests' dietary needs.
• Discovery Sea Kayaks' Island Explorer Deluxe Kayak Tours offer a first-rate culinary experience. On these 3- to 5-day kayak tours, guides prepare all meals with fresh organic foods sourced from the islands. They also work with each guest to design a menu that will comply with all your dietary needs. Each guide on staff takes pride in every fresh meal prepared.
• Outdoor Odysseys’ 3-day Beer Tasting & Kayaking Trip, includes guided kayaking and tasting of micro-brews from Boundary Bay Brewery in Bellingham. The 3-day Wine Tasting & Kayaking Trip features award-winning Pacific Northwest wines served by the winemakers themselves.
• San Juan Kayak Expeditions offers 2 - 5-day adventures which include savory meals using wholesome, fresh fruits and veggies and plenty of them. The Whales Ho! And Griffin Bay full-day tours provide scrumptious, local deli-lunches. These adventurers make meals fun!
• Sea Quest Kayak Tours creates delicious meals from scratch using the freshest sources, often organic and locally grown. Their guides are inspired outdoor cooks who double as biologists and environmental scientists – they may even gather ingredients from the land or sea during the tour!